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Advantages of treatment at the alternative medical practice for somatic, somato-psychic & psychological diagnostics & treatment in Essen Bredeney

  • Timely appointments/short waiting times.

  • The therapy methods are not restricted to those prescribed by statutory health insurance providers (GKV). You have the freedom to choose.

  • Anonymity without any connection to the health insurance system and system-wide data collection.

  • No to mild side effects. Non-invasive treatments.

  • Combined treatment of body and mind is possible, allowing for therapy on multiple levels, which may lead to better and potentially faster achievement of agreed-upon therapy goals.

  • Combination of medical hypnotherapy and manual osteopathic techniques is possible.

  • Positive experiences with the treatment of conditions such as hypertension, mental illnesses, type II diabetes, stroke, acute/chronic pain, sports injuries, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, susceptibility to infections, fertility issues, peripheral arterial disease (intermittent claudication), and others. Please inquire whether there are treatment experiences related to your specific symptoms.

For legal reasons, it should be noted that the listing of example application areas does not imply a promise of healing or a guarantee of relief or improvement of the mentioned medical conditions.


Regarding spinal conditions, such as chronic pain or spinal pain syndrome, the German Medical Association generally acknowledges the effectiveness of manual osteopathic treatments (Deutsches Ärzteblatt 2009, page 2325ff).