Brief Therapist Profile
Ralf Langenbrink, born 1973
Following a commercial training and subsequent roles in the business world, I returned to my original career aspiration from my school days: therapeutic work with people. In Belgium/Ghent from 2002-2006, I studied full-time osteopathy at the IAO (International Academy of Osteopathy). Afterwards, I worked in the health sector, including establishing an international network with universities in various Latin American countries and Spain to facilitate the movement of licensed doctors to Germany.
After overcoming an illness, I trained as a full-fledged natural health professional CAM (complementary and alternative) practitioner (Heilpraktiker following the german law) with an additional qualification in psychotherapy. Today, I work therapeutically in my own medical practice for somatic, somato-psychological & psychological diagnosis & treatment.
Through my professional experiences in various cultures and languages, I expanded my experience, knowledge & understanding. This is useful for clients & my therapeutic perspective. My proficiency in English, Dutch, Flemish, & Spanish is as fluent as in my native German.